
Happy Valentine’s Day Guiltless Meal Plan

By Raphael | In Motivation, Nutrition | on February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine’s Day!

The great dilemma – to eat or not to eat? That is the question.

I’m betting that a lot of people who are trying to lose weight and increase their fitness level may feel a sense of guilt or mental tug-of-war if they go off their nutrition plan to have a special meal with their honey. I’m here in your corner as your voice of reason. I encourage you to have fun, enjoy a great meal and yes by all means have dessert. No guilt. None of that. Just make sure to not over do it. And I’m sure you know what that means.

….but tonight enjoy the specialness of your relationship, enjoy the moments of being together, and enjoy good food and fun. To feel guilty about eating on holidays or special days such as Valentine’s Day is not what this is supposed to be about.

Calmly go back on your plan tomorrow savoring the special moments of today.

That’s my very simple and clear message for you today.

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