
Buddy, You Don’t Know What Bloated Is

By Raphael | In Nutrition | on February 21, 2011

I’ve been a natural competitive bodybuilder for ten years. Two years ago, after competing in a show, I heard one of the greatest lines in the history of one-liners. Immediately after a show I’m depleted due to low body fat. This allows me to eat a lot of food for about two days without feeling bloated. But if I push it past that second day I start to feel water logged. I over indulged to that point after one show and told my sister about how I was feeling bloated. Without hesitation, she said, “Buddy, you don’t know what bloated is!”   

We all know she was making reference to hormonal issues, but she was also commenting on how certain foods can make you feel like you just swallowed the Atlantic Ocean in one big gulp.    

Food combinations and how they personally affect you is something you want to be aware of. After you have a meal, stay attuned to how it makes you feel. If you feel a sense of satiety but not overly full, and not bloated, then remember those foods and the amount of each in that meal. If you have another meal with the same calorie amount, but it makes you feel uncomfortable and inflated, then pay attention to the foods in that meal and how much of each food was in the meal. There’s no science going on here – all you have to do is be aware and ask yourself how you feel after a meal and then pay attention to what that meal is. You’ll then know what to keep and what to ditch or change.

My sister would appreciate this blog but I think she’d still say, “Thanks buddy, but you still don’t know what bloated is.”

3 Comments to "Buddy, You Don’t Know What Bloated Is"

  • Suzanne says:

    February 21, 2011 at 10:28 am -

    I hear yah and I hate it, especially water retention.

  • Vicenta Gibbons says:

    February 22, 2011 at 12:46 pm -

    Buddy, You really DON’T know bloated! Great that you highlighted your sister in your article. I am sure that she is a terrific, compassionate, wonderful, and brilliant person.

  • Raphael says:

    February 28, 2011 at 2:40 pm -

    Suzanne – Never a fun feeling.

    Vi – Even if you do say so yourself! Ha! Thanks for the inspiration.

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