1. How long will it take me to lose weight?
After some initial water weight loss, you can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. When a person loses more than 2 pounds per week on a consistent basis they tend to lose muscle and not just fat. The objective is for you to lose body fat, not muscle. This approach will have you looking lean and firm.
2. What can I expect to pay for your online training services?
All-inclusive packages (including online training, nutrition and support) begin at $799 for three months. I also offer an hourly service for those looking for a one-time workout, nutrition review or a consultation, but not in need of ongoing support. My hourly rate is $125/hour.
3. Every time I start a program, I give up. How do I know your program will be different?
What makes my program unique is that I limit the number of clients I work. This allows me to provide you very close and active support. You will never feel like you’re alone in this process. I will work very closely with you monitoring your progress, making changes to your fitness or nutrition plan as needed. This is not a static program. It’s an ever-changing program based on achieving results, but also one that considers your lifestyle and personality traits. Sometimes you’re going to need to discipline yourself and bring a certain level of personal responsibility, but you won’t find this program to be drudgery or one that makes you want to quit. We’ll be in close contact, and you’ll find my support encouraging, motivating and empowering. And that’s why this time, you won’t give up.
4. Do you accept credit cards?
Payments are made though Paypal, and credit cards are accepted.
5. I don’t really need to lose much weight, but I’m bored with my current routine and want a challenge. Would you be able to design a few workouts for me?
Yes, please contact me for a custom quote, and don’t forget to check out my hourly services page.
6. I hate weighing myself. Do I have to weigh myself on your program?
Depending on your goal, I will ask for your weekly weight. However, my objective is ultimately to wean you away from the scale so that you’re not a slave to the scale. This is a process that I’ve used with great success.
7. I’m extremely overweight and out of shape. Can you help me?
Yes. I’ve worked with people who have needed to lose more than 100 pounds and who led sedentary lifestyles. Please take a look at a few of the testimonials from people I’ve worked with.
8. Do I need a lot of equipment for the workouts? Do I need to be a member of a gym?
Belonging to a gym or having access to equipment can add a lot of variety to your workout sessions, but I can create workouts based on limited equipment. However, view this process as an investment in your health. Investing in minimal equipment such as dumbbells and a weight bench will be of great value. I can make recommendations during your assessment.
9. Is this program for men and women?
Yes. I have experienced success with both men and women.
10. What are your qualifications?
I’m certified with the American Council On Exercise (ACE) and have been personal training for 23 years. I’ve worked with a variety of people from those who needed to lose more than 100 pounds to elite athletes.
11. Do you work with people who have health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, injuries or other physical limitations?
I have worked with many people who have common health conditions and physical limitations. However, in some cases, based on the extent of the condition or injury, I will refer someone to a qualified healthcare provider.
12. What kind of nutritional guidance can I expect to get?
Your nutrition plan will be created by you, because the objective is to have you eating healthy foods that you enjoy. I assist by analyzing your program and making calorie, food choice and macronutrient recommendations to maximize weight loss and improve energy, and by providing ongoing monitoring to recommend changes as needed. I also offer a second unique service which allows for photo-journaling of meals and snacks. Utilizing this option still allows me to analyze your program and make the same kinds of nutritional recommendations, but does not require any calorie or macronutrient counting on your part.
13. What else do I need to purchase? Special food? Supplements?
In some cases, I may make supplement recommendations, but you will never need to purchase special foods.
14. I have more questions, how do I contact you?
Email me at raphael@fitbyraphael.com