“Yeah I got a brand new spirit,
Speak it and it’s done
Woke up on the side of the bed like I won
Talk like a winner, my chest to that sun”
-Flo Rida (Good Feeling)
I wish I could hand out a feeling. It’s that feeling I have today. That feeling I get during a workout when I’m so focused and lost in the moment that it feels like a trance. For me, it’s like a moving meditation.
Today I worked on chest, shoulders, triceps, and abs. I was stronger on every exercise. My training partner commented on my strength gains and as my energy increased; I glided into a laser-like place, so did he. And we did that dance that training partners do. Knowing when to encourage, knowing what powerful words to use at the moment, and totally engrossed in each moment.
No looking around the gym floor at people. Not even a glance. Just totally immersed in each moment of movement.
Not every workout is like this, no matter how many times I think I had a great workout. These in-the-zone workouts don’t happen as often as people say they do. I think we come close a lot, but today, well today is that once in a while experience.
But when these moments come, it influences the course of the day. I walk out of the gym with a high and I feel like no matter what happens it’s ok. I can handle it.
I work better, I communicate more effectively, and more than anything, I don’t want this feeling to go away.
Sometimes people can become engrossed in finding the “right” workout routine, the right split, the most effective way to train. They search the internet to find what other people are doing, and that’s ok. But there’s something about not just checking off a workout like it’s on a to do list. There’s’ something about becoming fully engrossed in my workout. Always pursuing that feeling.
That’s what it’s about for me.
One Comment to "That Gym High"
Bill Neylon says:
December 5, 2018 at 11:24 am -
you brought a smile to my face Raphael. This article is well written, and so accurate for those of us who know. Brought a smile to my face, thank you.